Filerimos hill

The hill of Filerimos

The hill of Filerimos is located at the N / A end of the island of Rhodes. It has a height of 247 meters and is one of the busiest tourist spots in Rhodes.

The History

It has been inhabited since ancient times by the Telchines. The Minoans followed in 1500 BC In the 14th c. e.g. Mycenaeans who fortified the hill prevail In 1100 BC. prevailed the Dorians who built new forts as well as gave the area the incomparable stigma of their presence.

The myths

The legend of Forvantos, a wanderer who was called by the Rhodians to save them from snakes and finally settled in Filerimos.

The Cross

The Cross of Filerimos that exists today was built in 1996 with a staircase inside and is 18 meters high. The previous Cross was made of stone and was built by the Italians and was 30 meters high.

The monastery

The monastery was built by the Knights in the 14th century. A.D. on the ruins of a Byzantine church which was built on the foundations of the Temple of Ialyssia Athena, part of which survives to this day.

The Acropolis

The Acropolis of Ialyssos was built for the first time by the Telchines and continued to be used until the Turkish occupation. The Ialyssians were protected there from the invaders and its ruins are still preserved today.

Archaeological sites

In Filerimos Archaeological sites are the Doric Fountain, a 3,000-year-old work, the ruins of the Acropolis as well as the remains of the Temple of Athena. These sites are accessible and cared for by the Archaeological Service of Rhodes

The paths

Filerimos is full of paths. The main ones are the one that leads to the old church of Profitis Ilias, the old road, and the path to the Doric Fountain. These paths are preserved today but not in such good condition. Mainly what leads to the Doric Fountain is completely neglected especially at the end.



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